Saturday, March 24, 2007

Our story first

Hi Lena,

I am not mad at you that you also try to “use” people to tell your story. But as you see I also try to tell my side of the story to them which you never told them. I live as I said less than 3 years under the same roof with you. So Ibelieve I know you and you know me better than our friends. Therefore It was not my intentions to bring them along in our divorce communication. And for outsiders is easy to make conclusion if they don’t hear my part of the story. Therefore I will and continue have this open communication with them to tell and defend my part of this story.

My actions of all these stands; you admitted adultery, you USED strangers to intimidate me, for what? Running away your marriage which I thought you are committed (read your marriage vows below again and again) and do ADULTERY? You wrote that you still have trauma after our big fight. But what was the reason of the trauma? I had an emotional breakdown when you admitted that you seeing that married man! Yes and you humiliate me further by sending a total stranger to intimidate me. So please look from my point of view why I want to get even with you! It is not about assets or threatening. It is that you plan this for a quite some time, and that moment you USED ME to escape this marriage. IF YOU DID NOT RUN AWAY AND JUS TALK ABOUT IT THESE THINGS NEVER HAPPENED. But it seems that you planned of all of these! I DID NOT SEE THIS COMING FROM YOU! That is why I want to share about the real to all the people we bring in this forum (as your lawyer well formulated) so they can judge on both of us what kind of people we are!

What you only have to understand is that with non completed information that you give to people, you could create problems in their marriage!

Please communicate accordingly to the people you talk to. My findings against you are based on facts and I try to be honest as possible! Which I see all the cards are against you! I found myself honest, faithful, hard worker and committed and only want to take care of you in our marriage? That you are unhappy because you don’t get quick results? I’m sorry for that Lena, I’m very sorry that I’m probably too stingy in our marriage.

As always in court let both parties speak and let the judge and jury decide. So I see all these people on the email list as the jury and let them speak for them self.

My best,


From: Franz Boen [] Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2007 3:05 AMTo: ''Cc: 'Lena Tan'; 'Lena Tan'; 'William Wong'Subject: RE: our discussion about Lena

Sorry Anthony,

Lena has to be in the cc it was an email meant for you. Because Lena is feeding Lisa with information and you get indirect info from her I want to tell you what was really happened. Lena is good (as she always said) in TURNING TABLES.

You told me that she said that I treated her by telling the authorities about her wrongdoings. It looked I’m the accused here. But let me just explain chronologically;

Lena RUNAWAY (Saturday, March 3) from the house because she found out I had a sexual obscene sms chatting with women that I hardly know (as explained below). Is that a reason to runaway from our marriage (for your info this was the 4th time)?
Then on the 5th of March we had the big fight and she admitted for adultery. But I asked sorry to her that I was rough on her and could forgive her and that we will talk about her when she is back that evening
She did not appear that night but send some “Bouncer type (I have to watch out with my wordings)” to intimidate me, which she fed him (who the hell is that guy to interfere with our marriage) with my personal emails that I sent to Lena.
Further he intimidated me by asking money (which I gave him to satisfy him with the so called “uang rokkok) and he even said; “don’t say that to my wife”… I met this guy because I don’t like to be intimidated. I wet to my cousin who happened to be a police and he called the guy not to interfere with my marriage, and when he intimidate me again he will be questioned and Lena will take for the consequences.
Then I got a letter from Singapore from Lena demanding (for me it is blackmailing) me with a letter (attach with the deed of separation) if I don’t sign the deed she will file the divorce according women charters… which I’m completely confused and humiliated! How can she file for women charters if she does not explain her lawyer what happened that day we fight? Adultery, just runaway when we have a fight?
I offer Lena to settle this dispute via an independent mediation, but again and again she likes to whisper my good friends and even her divorce lawyer with incorrect information. I’m not ashamed to defend my self in public and challenge her.
Am I the accused her? Because ADULTERY and RUNNING AWAY ALL THE TIME FROM THE MARRIAGE is not in my marriage dictionary? There is always a start or an action, and yes again I’m sorry that I was rough on her, but it was not what she told all her friends and my friends.

I live with Lena 24hrs under one roof, and I believe I may say that I know Lena more than all of the superficial friends she has. Lena like to be the victim because she has a motif here. Runaway to the UNFAITHFUL married man!

Thanks Anthony, I hope you will show this email to Lisa, I will keep defending myself, which Lena does not dear to do it in public.

My best, Franz

From: Franz Boen [] Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 7:32 PMTo: 'Lena Tan'; 'Lena Tan'Cc: ''Subject: our discussion about Lena


Thanks about our discussion about Lena. I’m sorry that Lena brought our divorce problems into your relation. I Respect whatever your decisions are on partnering with me. I’m happy to hear that you can separate business and private. I’m glad that you decided not to get involved in the outcome of our divorce. As mention to you our machines are in full motion and we can not go back anymore. I hope I explained you my side of the story. I only hope that your relation will be NOT in danger because of us. I mentioned Lena several times in email what my mother always said to me; watch out and don’t listen to the devil that is whispering to you when you are in an emotional situation. But it seems Lena becoming the “devil” herself….

Everything what I did and said to her in emails are from advisors, and it is up to me what I’m going to do.

I’m very sorry that Lisa does not want to talk with me anymore because of the continuous Lena’s whispering. You and Lisa are highly respected people to me, and I always was fond of talking and joking with her. I was the only one that always liked your coziness. Please accept my apology for m wife behavior and disturbance in your relation. I only hope that the whispering will end to you and won’t have an effect in your precious marriage.

I was only hoping that Lisa was more neutral in this situation. Because she does not like women (Vica’s and Ernanoto case) commit ADULTERY in a marriage, which I highly respected her. Lena knows that I am always faithful to her, she even BRAGGED all the time with her girlfriends that she was happy to find a man that was so faithful. Yes I admit I have sexual preferences by chatting with women that I hardly know? Yes I admit that I like to see porn movies and fantasize, (which Lena VERY loved to watch). Yes I like to go to striptease bar (Lena also likes it and even go with her mother), yes I like to go to online porn chat sites… But is that compare to ADULTERY what Lena did to me?

Yes I’m not ENTITLED to be rough on her, but when she admitted about her unfaithfulness I had an instant emotional breakdown. Of course I have to control…but we are human and not machines (and this is not an excuse). But I said sorry to her and even forgive what she did to me. And she said she will come back home that evening after our fight in the afternoon. But it was for her the right moment to have a reason to divorce me, so she could go further with the Singaporean married man. When I analyze about the whole situation it was for her a good reason to damage that married because she knows that I’m the only one that can do. Because the married guy does not want to divorce his wife but only enjoy with 2 women (perhaps more). Lena preferences are probably looking for unfaithful husbands with perpetual income from family wealth.

Yes with me she was not satisfy, comparing with my ex girlfriend all the time! About branded bags, credit-cards, holidays and diamonds! Probably the 4 to 5 branded bags and purse in 1.5 years of marriage was not, not going for holidays with her, not giving her enough diamonds (she once did not one but demanded 2 pair of ear-rings in Bangkok!). That your apartment that I worked hard myself to give her a cozy home was not her style! Too low for her standard! Yes probably because of all these I gave her an unhappy life by not giving her what she want and could get it with a married Singaporean guy family fortune!

As you said, Lena is quite positive on this separation period. How come? There is always a motif! The devil is the only one that is positive trying to get the good people for ally.

Let me just finish this email and not keep elaborating what happened. I will send you all the emails I sent to Lena, and you both can judge yourself. So it won’t be a one way traffic only.

I hope above story gives you some insights who Lena really is (of course it is from my side). Perhaps when you read this why still want her? I commit to this marriage; I’m a fighter to make things and this marriage happen for the good and bad as said at our wedding day. Lena even wrote (see below) beautiful vows to me. But it seems it was all phony and fake…she does not even try to execute this in our marriage!

You can show this email or tell Lisa about what we discussed this afternoon. Lena always said you are always patient with Lisa. I believe the devil found a weak spot to address you guys.

Thanks for listening Anthony, don’t let somebody endanger our friendship.

Give my best to Lisa, I still respect her whatever her decision on me.

My best,


My Vows To Franz On Our Wedding Day

“People come into your life for a Reason, a Season or a Lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.

Some people come into your life for a Reason, to aid you physically, emotionally and spiritually. They are there for reason you need them to be.

Some people come into your life for a Season, because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. But, only for a season

I know you are here not for a Reason nor a Season but for a Lifetime where lifetime relationship teaches you lifetime lessons, things that must be built upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
I promise to give you the best of myselfand to ask of you no more than you can give.
I promise to respect you as your own personand to realize that your interests, desires and needsare no less important than my own.
I promise to share with you my time and my attention and to bring joy, strength and imagination to our relationship.
I promise to keep myself open to you,to let you see through the window of my worldinto my innermost fears and feelings, secrets and dreams.
I promise to grow along with you, to be willing to face changes in order to keepour relationship alive and exciting.
I promise to love you in good times and bad,with all I have to give and all I feel insidein the only way I know how, completely and forever
And I promise to spend my lifetime loving you.
Thank you for being part of my life!”

Lena 27 September 2005, Tuesday

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